A Royal Wedding: The Royals Series Read online

Page 11

  “Yeah. There are attendants wandering around with trays. See if you can snag us all a bevy.” She turned back, focusing on Riley and Linna again.


  “We’re good.” Linna laughed, giving Riley a weird side-glance.

  “Okay.” I made my way around, avoiding the stares and cameras and awkwardness. It was part of being with Aiden that continued on even though we had broken up, a cost I’d pay for the rest of my life if I was unlucky. At least little girls thought I was cool . . . and Riley.

  A guy with a tray came around the corner. I waved at him, earning a wide smile. “Can I have two drinks please?” I hurried toward him.

  “You’re Finley,” he said and then snapped his mouth shut as though he wasn't supposed to say that.

  “I sure am. And I’m thirsty.”

  “I’m Scott.” He scowled again.

  “A Scot named Scott. Original.” I grinned and took two drinks from the tray.

  “Yeah, not sure what my parents were thinking. You’re my TA this semester, for Professor McNeill. First year.”

  “Cool. Prepare for pain.” I chuckled. “He’s a hard ass.”

  “I heard that.”

  “You work here in your off time?”

  “No, I live in one of the cottages with my parents. My dad is the head groundskeeper. Princess Mary asked if I could assist tonight for the party.”

  “Cool. Where is Mary?” I scanned the party realizing I hadn’t seen her yet.

  “Oh uhm—” His cheeks flushed, giving away something.

  “Have you seen her?”

  “I have.” He pressed his lips together.

  “Spill.” I cocked an eyebrow.

  “Upstairs, near the bedrooms is where I saw her last.”

  “Was she trashed and or with a guy?” I grilled him.

  “Both, I’m afraid. And the guy—” His eyes widened but he said no more. He didn’t need to.

  “Piece of shit?”

  “Nothing redeemable about him.” He was way nicer than I was.

  “On it.” I put the drinks back and turned on my heel, hurrying for the stairs. When I got upstairs, the crowd that had been drinking in the open lounge on this level was gone. It was quiet. I hurried down the hall to the bedroom Bea had pointed to as Mary’s. I opened the door but there was nothing, no noise.

  I checked Bea’s room and the other room but she wasn't there.

  A giggle came from behind me. I spun and hurried back to the lounge, searching the furniture until I found Mary in the arms of a guy I'd never seen before. They were entangled on the sofa with its back to me, making out.

  “Ahem,” I cleared my throat.

  Mary’s eyes widened but her mouth didn't stop moving. The guy paid me no attention. She shoved him off when she finally realized what she was looking at. “Fin!”

  “What?” The guy lifted his face, wincing when he saw me. “Go away! No, get us more drinks, then sod off.”


  “You heard me, get the fuck outta here!”

  “Excuse you?” I was taken aback but feisty Fin made her resurfacing rather quickly. “Get the fuck off her!” I snapped at him, pointing at the door. “And get out!”

  “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” He stood. His English was snooty and his look bugged me. “Clearly, you need a reminder of your place!”

  “I don't know who I’m talking to, nor do I care. But I guarantee there is someone who will.” I took a picture of him, sending it to Aiden before I even really thought.

  “Did you just take my picture, you bitch?” The guy was a charmer for sure.

  “Fin!” Mary tried to get between us but she staggered and fell.

  My phone rang a second later.

  “Who is this?” Aiden sounded panicked.

  “It’s me.” How did he not know who I was? Had he deleted my number from his phone?

  “Fin?” He sounded completely lost.

  “Yeah.” I decided to put a pin in his deleting my number for another time. “I was just checking if you want this guy making out with Mary while she’s blackout drunk?”

  The guy’s face paled but he tried to act macho. “Tell him to sod off too.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” He hung up.

  “You think I care what some American bitch has to say?” He leaned into me, threateningly, grabbing my arm and squeezing. “You know what the problem with girls like you is? You think we want you to talk, when all we want is for you to—”

  “You dare put your hands on her?” Tracy got between us.

  “I dare? Mary, tell these peasants who I am.” He scoffed at us. “She doesn't need her servants telling her what to do.”

  “I don't care who you are, get out!”

  “You stupid American slut! You have no idea who you’re speaking to.” He leaned in, his words spitting onto my face.

  My fingers burned to hit him but instead, I turned to Tracy. “All yours. Use the cuffs.” I grabbed Mary and dragged her to her bedroom as the guy started to fight, but Tracy took care of it.

  “Fin, you’re being ridiculous.” She shoved me off. “I like him.” Mary struggled to stand, her dress was disheveled. She was a mess.

  “He’s an asshat.” I pushed her into her room, closing the door.

  “Asshat? Hat of ass? You are so weird.” She flopped onto the bed. “You just attacked Rupert Kennington III.” She giggled.

  “I don't know what that is, but he’s a dickwad and you won’t talk to him again. He didn't even seem drunk and you’re out of it. You know what that’s called? Date rape.”

  “I like him. He kisses well. And his family is worse than mine. We’re sort of even Stephen, like you Americans say.” She spoke to the ceiling as I sent a text to Bea.

  911, Mary is trashed and we need a puke bucket, a shower curtain, and water. Maybe bring Gatorade if we have any.

  Seriously? Is that why Tracy just kicked Rupert out? She added a laughing face.

  Hurry up!

  Grabbing Mary, I moved her onto her side, helping her out of her dress. “You don't want to get puke on this.”

  “I didn't puke.” She sounded like one of those drunks on the streets in Seattle who couldn't form words.

  “You’re going to,” I said with a sigh and pulled her clothes off.

  Bea entered a moment later with the things I’d asked for. “Oh, Mary.” She winced. “I told you to eat dinner.”

  We sat her up carefully and moved the shower curtain onto the bed and laid her back on it naked. I covered her with a blanket and made sure she was on her side with the bucket and drinks next to her.

  “You want to go party a bit? I’ll take the first watch?” Bea asked.

  “No, you go ahead.” I sat on the sofa.

  “Okay. I’ll set an alarm so I don't forget and come take over in a couple of hours. And I won’t drink anymore.” Bea sounded bummed. “So much for our fun night.”

  “Yeah.” I knew the night would be a long one. I hadn’t been prepared to spend it staring at Mary, but here I was. “Maybe make sure everyone leaves around midnight, huh?”

  “We’ll see.” She winked and left.

  She didn't come back. And I didn't sleep. But I stared at my phone, wishing he would call back.

  The sound of his voice saying my name haunted me, the anxiety helping to keep me awake.

  It was an interesting evening to say the least, and eventually I was grateful we’d thought of the shower curtain.


  Dudes, mentally and emotionally self-aware is the new tall

  Kennington the Turd

  “Hey.” Linna smiled as she came into my bedroom at the townhouse and sat on the bed. “You see the latest shit on TMZ?” Her tone suggested it was bad.

  “No. Is it about me?” I pouted. “How bad?” I asked when I saw the look in her eyes. “Did they catch me eating a sandwich again? That foot-long will haunt me forever.”

  “Allegedly, some Englis
h playboy named Rupert Kennington III was thrown out of the party the other night because you went upstairs with him. Aiden’s guards threw him out half an hour after you went upstairs. There’s footage of him upstairs. Then you going up there. You guys being in each other’s faces and him gripping your arm in what’s being labeled a heated lovers’ quarrel. And then the guards kicking him out.”

  “Lovers’ quarrel? I thought he was about to hit me. And it was like ten minutes, not half an hour. He’s the douche who was dry humping Mary while she was drunk as balls,” I defended my honor to the wrong person. “He was calling me a peasant and being a twat.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “I figured. Apparently, it’s all the chatter though. You and Kennington the Turd.” We both laughed way too hard at that.

  “He was such a loser it wasn’t funny,” I said with a sigh. “I’m kinda wondering if Mary has bad taste in guys. You know, like U.G.S. where the hot girl ends up with the ugly guy.”

  “Oh, she for sure does. Whatever the name for it is, it’s exactly like ugly guy syndrome. Mean guy syndrome?”

  “That could work,” I agreed.

  “Sorry you’re getting dragged into it.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I’d never get a break.

  “Did you like Riley though?” Linna changed the subject to the one she was actually here for.

  “He’s adorable and not what I expected at all. He’s cute and sweet and not really your type.” I narrowed my gaze. “Is this going to be serious?”

  “Not if he keeps trying to be the leader of the Fin Club,” she said with a laugh.

  “Oh my God, that was awkward. When he said he was a fan, I thought he was making a joke. And then I laughed. I felt like a jerk.” My cheeks flushed again as they had in that moment.

  “He’s been stressing nonstop about his uncool introduction to you, so go easy on him.” She leaned on me. “And don't worry, I grilled him. He isn’t interested in dating you, just obsessed in a stalker sort of way. So he isn’t going to hit on you or create tension between us. But if you go missing, I know he murdered you and is stuffing your remains like a taxidermist.”

  “Nice.” I laughed but gave her a look. “But a guy could never create tension between us again, right?”

  “Nope.” She twirled her fingers into mine. “Speaking of loving each other and doing things for one another, can we move to the castle? Please?” she pleaded. “Jess found a sublet and we gave notice already, so we’re sort of making this decision without you, but I’m telling you nicely. They’ll end our contract in two months and the subletter can take it over then. So technically we only have to sublet for the two months, and we’re free of this. And the subletter will move in ASAP.” She did the fast talking thing she did when she wanted me to agree without thinking.

  But the idea of living in Aiden’s castle or even summerhouse burned me. “You already rented our place out?”

  “We desperately want to go.”

  I gave it a moment of thought before I gave in, knowing I would regret it. “Fine.” I told myself that keeping an eye—or both of them—on Mary wasn’t a bad plan. Bea was clearly not doing her job.

  “Yay!” Linna hugged me tight and shouted, “She said yes!”

  Jess came in on her crutches, smiling wide. “Yay!”

  “Wow, you really have been planning this behind my back.” Realization hit like a bat to the face.

  “Yes,” Linna confessed.

  “Guess it’s lucky I haven’t completely unpacked.” I shrugged, a bit defeated on the decision.

  “I had,” Jess moaned, “but Johan’s almost done repacking for me. And just so you know, we were always moving. Even if you didn't agree to come, Johan said he’d abduct you and force you to and plead diplomatic immunity.” She hugged me tightly. Watching her struggle to get up the stairs all these weeks was almost worth it, knowing she would’ve let him force me to the estate.

  They all would have.

  But it was happening and I needed to get on board. Or face the rash I would likely get from the duct tape.

  We half-assed packed and the guys loaded up the large van Tracy brought over.

  As I loaded myself and my last few things into the SUV and texted my dad that we no longer needed the townhouse, I wasn't certain how to feel about the move. It felt rushed and sudden on my part, but everyone else was content. They didn't dread seeing the queen the way I did.

  Linna was already Snapchatting Riley, sending cute selfies and telling him she would see him for breakfast in an hour.

  Mary was smug, offering me a couple of side-glances, suggesting there was more to this plan than she was letting on. Big shocker there . . .

  And Jess was smitten. She and Johan had obviously been planning this since they arrived back in Scotland but weren’t sure how to make it happen. Dad would never agree to her moving in with Johan, unless it was a group decision.

  All of this was crazy deceptive.

  But by the time I was mid bite into the large breakfast I’d been promised, I didn't mind as much. The estate was stunning, something from a movie for sure, only cooler and more modern. The Scottish countryside was incredible. The summerhouse was cozy-ish for a mansion and my room was unbelievable. Again, possibly as bribery, which totally worked because I was a sucker for a great view and a gorgeous four-poster bed. And everyone was back together like the family we had sort of become.

  “Oh, Fin. I meant to tell you. If you want to, there are bikes and we can bike to and from the campus.” Johan motioned his head to the right, in the direction the bikes must have been. “They’re in the barn.”

  “Cool. I have to go to the Walled Gardens today, maybe I’ll ride,” I said though I wasn't sure when the last time I rode a bike was. Or if I still could. Or if it was as they always said, like riding a bike . . .

  “You’re going to the Gardens, again?” Bea asked.

  “Yeah, I go a few times a week. Speaking of which, I better get ready.” I got up and cleared my plate, earning a scowl from the maid.

  As I went up the grand staircase, I ran my hand along the smooth, wide cherrywood banister. It was another Gone with the Wind staircase. At the top I turned, taking it all in: the view of the countryside and ocean in one direction, the towers of the huge castle peeking over a hilltop in the other direction, and finally, the stunning portraits and bright lavish furnishings all around me.

  I was mid sigh when the front door opened and Isaac came strolling in, removing his weird English-dude cap. He smiled and waved. “Morning, Fin!”

  “Morning! I didn't know you were here too.”

  “Just got in,” he replied. “Do I smell breakfast?”

  “It’s still on,” I said and turned, heading for my room.

  The family feel of the house was nice. I had to admit that, even if I didn’t want to. Even if it meant the evil queen would visit.

  I sat on my bed and tried to come up with the last of the ideas for research topics I would suggest to the professor. He’d asked what I would’ve changed about first year, which really had nothing to do with him and his course. Instead, it had everything to do with being stalked and humiliated constantly.

  And it hadn’t just been first year for that. It seemed I was stuck with it for the rest of my life. The media was not tiring anytime soon of dragging me.

  Of course these thoughts brought about other contemplations.

  Like how had I ended up in this situation again?

  Two bodyguards.

  Moved onto the estate.

  Mary hinting at me to speak with Aiden.

  Mary nagging me to talk to Aiden.

  Mary possibly scheming to get Aiden and me together.

  Wishful thinking suggested maybe Aiden was behind this, but common sense told me he would’ve at least texted me at some point if he wanted to get back together. Or called. Or FaceTimed. Or like Linna said, sent a royal cock shot.

  The idea of Aiden photographing his penis like a fuckboy made me laugh.

/>   As if on schedule, Bea entered with her famous knock while coming in the room. “What’s so funny?”

  “You honestly don't want to know.” I shook my head. “Can I ask you something about Aiden, and do you swear to tell me the truth? Like am I a hoes-before-bros friend now, or is Aiden always going to be your ho and I’ll always be the bro?”

  “What?” She tilted her head, squinting. “Sometimes I need a translator for you Yanks.”

  “Are you too loyal to Aiden to tell me the truth?”

  “Depends on the situation entirely. He is my family, I would die for him. You’re one of my best friends, but you’re basically Carter’s sister, so I would kill for you. But the truth is the truth and I don't like lies. So no, I would tell you.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “Why?”

  “Is any of us coming to live here a plot he’s orchestrating secretly to get us back together?” I held my hands out to the room.

  “He wants to get back together, I know that much.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know him. But I don't know if he is plotting. I do however suspect Mary has disregarded your forced promise that she not talk to him or Johan about what their father did to you. If Aiden knows that story, there is a chance he’s asked Mary to get you to a location that’s safe for him to visit. As in move into this house.”

  “Shit.” I bit my lip. Or was that shit? Did I want to get back together? Did I want back into that mess? “Thanks for the honesty.”

  “Of course. Though I have to admit, I’m curious why you fight so hard not to be in love with someone you are so clearly one-hundred-percent devoted to?”

  For a girl who acted like she didn't care much about anything, she’d hit the nail on the head. And for a change I didn't have an answer. I knew the answer, but I didn't want it to be the case.

  “I’m not devoted to him,” I lied.

  “You are. Your eyes have not accidentally taken in another man. Even the photos of you and Lucas, I could tell there was no feeling there. Can I be brutally honest?” Bea asked, as if she had to.