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A Royal Wedding: The Royals Series Page 24

  A lump formed in my throat but I was too scared to cry, thankfully.

  “Now, let’s go show these royal pains how us Rozes do things.” He linked my arm in his and turned, guiding us to the door.

  The church was massive inside, filled with faces, some I knew and some I didn't. I would have turned and run, but the one at the front, the face whose eyes locked on mine and forced me to see only him, saved me. He pulled me to him, calling to me with his stormy gaze.

  I wasn't sure my feet had taken steps or if I had floated down the aisle, even when my father kissed my cheek and handed me over. I didn't know what the priest said, though I could speak Catalan now.

  What I did know was that I was making the best decision of my life.

  The sound fell away, except for my own breath.

  The people vanished and it was only us two.

  And the world paused just long enough for me to revisit all the moments of this journey. The good. The bad. The insanely bad.

  And through it all, one common picture smoothed the rough edges and glossed the ugly parts. He stood on the rocks at Peggy’s Cove, majestic and handsome and certain of everything. His eyes matched the sea and his lips moved as he told me a story. He was tragic and beautiful and adventurous. He was confident and calm, and yet passionate and crazy.

  And I was in love with the King of Andorra.


  He took my hands and said things I vaguely understood, his voice rigid and firm, his eyes wild with emotion. He was all business except that stare and that heart. And I tried to do the same. Say the vows I was meant to and agree to the promises I was supposed to keep. Honestly, it all meant nothing because he had captivated me. I would have said anything, agreed to everything, to have him. I wondered if he knew that.

  The priest said something and Aiden stepped forward, his lips toying with that grin, the one that belonged to me alone. He lifted my veil, whispering, “And now we kiss to seal the deal.” He winked.

  I almost laughed at how cheesy he was, but his lips were on mine, brushing a proper church kiss.

  It was over before it started as far as I was concerned, certain I’d drifted in and out of consciousness. But the moment he took my hand and spun me to face them, I was back. The church stood, hands clapping wildly, faces I knew soaked in tears or smothered in pride and love.

  One face stood out. She hadn’t accepted it.

  Maybe she never would.

  She hated me but it didn't matter.

  I’d won.

  Love had won.

  My Cinderella story was happy and the evil queens and stepmothers and wicked stepsisters couldn’t stop it.

  In fact, as it happened in all the best fairytales, the evil queen was defeated.

  And now I was the queen.

  Queen consort, but whatever, queen all the same.

  An American on the throne.

  Grace Kelly but with more YOLO and sauce. And not Grace Kelly at all. She was such a hottie. How the Prince of Monaco landed her was a mystery. She was way outta his league.

  “What are you thinking about?” Aiden whispered as we walked down the red carpet to the main doors.

  “How much hotter you are than the Prince of Monaco,” I accidentally admitted.

  “Of course you are.” He laughed and escorted me to the horse-drawn sleigh where Tracy was waiting.

  Tracy bowed. “My queen.” The way he said it took my breath away. He offered me a thick fur blanket as Aiden helped me up into the sleigh, adjusting a cloak around my shoulders as I tucked the blanket around my dress. “My king.”

  “Thanks,” Aiden said to Tracy then he sat next to me. “Ready?”

  “No. God no.” I scoffed, wondering if he even knew me.

  Ready might have been his middle name, but it wasn't mine.

  I slipped my hand into his, noting how warm he was.

  “That’s okay, Fin. I’m ready enough for us both.”

  “I know.” I grinned then pressed my glossy lips into his cheek. “I love you with all my heart.”

  “Because I’m hotter than the Prince of Monaco?” he mocked me, offering a sincere smile and a wave to the crowds flowing from the church, cheering us on.

  “Obviously. You’re totes hotter than he is.” I winked then smiled, waving at the crowds the same way he was as the cameras began to flash and click and voices called to us.

  “Queen Finley, over here. One smile for us!” a man called holding his camera.

  “You’re beautiful, Queen Finley. Stunning. One smile!”

  “Congratulations, Queen Finley! Can I get a smile?”

  “Certainly!” I smiled wide, letting them take my picture. I’d won. Fuck them all, I’d won! And for the first time in my life, I won because I was good. I didn't trick or cheat or sneak. I won with love.

  “Are you pregnant, Queen Finley? Is there a little royal on the way?”

  “There’s always one asshole,” Aiden said in a low voice but still waved.

  “No, there are hundreds of assholes. Normally, there is only one good guy,” I grumbled but waved as we rode off into the snowy evening, passing the orange glow of streetlights and crowds of well-wishers. I still pictured myself as Cinderella for half a block, until I started craving a pastrami sandwich.

  When we reached the castle, the staff were all there, lined up outside and waiting. Isaac helped me down and held my hand, bowing as Tracy had. “My queen.”

  “Thanks, Isaac.” Aiden nodded, taking my hand and escorting me inside.

  “Do we have to party with everyone else? Or can I go hunt down some Lulus and a sandwich?” I muttered.

  “Fin, didn't Mary tell you?” Aiden paused in the hallway, below the grand staircase, his face filling with dread. “We have to consummate the marriage while parliament watches.”

  “What?” I laughed but he didn't.

  “It’s tradition.” He was serious. “It’s been done for centuries. Surely, you knew that?”

  “What?” My tone changed. My stomach filled with dread.

  “It’ll only take a minute.” He winked and cracked that grin.

  “You suck.” I fought the urge to shove him, but he pulled me in and kissed my cheek.

  “We do have to go and consummate the marriage though.”

  “I think we’ve already done that.” I pressed his hand against the small bump my stomach had become. “But if we have to, fine. And it better take longer than a minute.”

  He slid a hand around my back, crushing my heavy breasts into his torso. “It’s going to take all night.” He kissed me, not passionately—that was something we did in private. Which was fine with me. “But first we have to mingle with our guests.” He slipped my arm into his and led me to the doorway. It was my turn to be in the receiving line. And not at the back of it. “I promise, I’ll find you a sandwich,” he whispered, making me smile.


  A lot of people discount it, but it’s science. If your friend cuts all their hair off, check on them. They are NOT okay. #Brit2007

  Married life

  “What are you eating now?” Jess asked sharply, eyeing up my bowl as she petted Mr. Stinky, the newest guest in the castle.

  “You don't want to know,” I groaned, staring at the sad bowl of kale, lemon juice, and chicken.

  “How much do you need to lose?” she cringed when she saw my pathetic bowl diet.

  “Fifteen. It’s not the worst but it’s not the best. And my breasts aren’t shrinking at all and the bodice of the dress has no room for extra.” I glanced at the sleeping baby girl. “She’s lucky she’s cute.”

  “Cute? She’s perfect,” Aiden said as he entered the suite, wrinkling his nose at my bowl. “Why are you eating that? I think it’s why Ella’s been crying so much. Kale’s gassy.” He checked on the baby for the tenth time today.

  “You’re the one who planned the wedding for three months after I delivered.” I cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “Okay, I can’t do this conve
rsation again. I love you both but it’s too much.” Jess shook her head.

  “Agreed,” Aiden commiserated.

  “See you in a bit. I’m gonna go hike with Johan.” She carried her cat out of the suite.

  “Whatever.” I waved her off.

  “You’re beautiful,” Aiden said, ignoring my sister as she left. “We could get married again today, I love how you look.” He came to my chair and knelt in front of me. “Stop this dieting nonsense.”

  “No one wants your opinion. You’re biased and you legit can’t say anything mean to me. I just had your baby and agreed to your fake wedding.” I laughed at him bitterly. “In the middle of winter, no less.”

  “Yeah, but I trapped you with that fake wedding and now there’s nowhere for you to go. I control the entire country. You’re my prisoner.” He leaned in, smothering me with affection. “So if I say no dieting, no dieting.”

  “Prisoner. Please.” I rolled my eyes. “With the smallest amount of effort I could make you so crazy you would be begging me to leave here and never come back. I hold it all back just for you. I protect you from the real me.”

  “Trust me, she manages to pop up just enough to keep it refreshing.” He rolled his eyes. “Either way, we don't believe in divorce in Andorra.” He kissed my neck. “And I don't beg.”

  “Whatever.” I laughed. “You begged me to marry you.”

  “That was a special set of circumstances. You’re a tough lady to nail down.” He nibbled my ear, making me giggle, but I stifled it to keep the baby sleeping. “As much as I would like to continue this, I came in here for a reason.” He sat back on his heels, offering the slightest of frowns.

  “God, what?”

  “My mother would like to know if she might come and visit Ella again today.” His eyes lightened up.

  “I already told you she could come whenever she wants. Your weird feud with her is stupid.” I sighed heavily. “She needs to stop being a dick and accept this for what it is. I’m your wife and Ella’s mother and no more games. If she agrees to that, she’s welcome any time. I say this every day.”

  “I agree and have explained this to her. Minus the word ‘dick.’ It’s not as popular here as it is back in Spokane,” he joked, something he did all the time now. He was lighter. I hadn’t realized how much our relationship had been pressing on him until we married and it all lifted and he relaxed. The job of being king had relaxed with him. He had it down pat now. It had taken years for him to get, but he was made for the job.

  “Actually with her around, I might lose weight faster. Eating in front of her steely gaze is stressful. She’s a real cockblocker that one. Fun killer.” I’d also relaxed into the relationship. Finishing my degree before Ella was born and being done school, relaxed the hell out of me. And the suite of the castle felt like home now. It was akin to letting my hair down every time I came in here.

  Aiden snorted, coughing and scowling. “Perhaps you can lay off the American colloquialisms in front of the baby.”

  “Are you mommy-shaming me?” I sat up. “Because that’s super un-bro. She’s three weeks old. She’s not going to turn two months and start saying cockblocker. And if she does, maybe your mom could use a little cussing from her grandkids to sort her out.”

  “I need a translator, I swear.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I understand your hoes before bros and un-bro and dude and dicks and totes. But if you could refrain, show a measure of self-control, that would be amazing. I’d love it if the Princess of Andorra grew up to be a lady. I don't want her walking around, drinking from a bottle and saying cockblocker to her grandmother.”

  “I see I’ve arrived just in the nick of time,” Mary interrupted as she entered, smiling widely. “Still trying to break your spirit, is he?” she spoke over him.

  “Always. You know how hard it is for me.” I winked at her.

  “Speaking of cockblockers, did I see Mother in the foyer?” Mary folded her arms.

  “Yes, she’s here to see Ella. Could we please stop saying cockblocker in front of the infant? I’m going to fetch Mother before you two ruin Ella completely,” he said.

  “Anything for you,” I offered sweetly, batting my lashes at Aiden. My real lashes. The fake ones had retired for the birth. As had my nails and anything else that gave me joy or self-esteem. I wasn't even allowed to have a latte, something I had griped about until I saw her little face. The moment she clung to my breast, warm and soft and screaming for her life, I was smitten. She was my daughter, through and through. Cried about everything, demanded to be held constantly. And in love with my former old au pair, Sophie.

  “Shall we have tea then while they visit?” Mary asked.

  “I think Mother was hoping you all might visit with her,” Aiden said cautiously.

  He had started bringing his mother around again, uncomfortable with her all alone at their family mansion and allowing for her to make amends. Everyone had moved into the castle, as Linna had predicted they would, the moment school was over.

  Mary was home, far removed from the tempting clutches of Kennington the Turd. Johan and Jess were engaged and planning a wedding for next year when he graduated. She had taken the job at St Andrews as the research assistant for her old professor. And Linna was in Madrid, working at Museo Nacional del Prado, but came here every chance she got. Her online presence demanded it, but also her heart was attached to Ella, her goddaughter, more than anyone else I’d seen. Linna was ridiculously in love.

  As was Riley, who had lost none of his Fin Club tendencies, regardless of knowing me well enough to no longer be impressed. He was the least chill socc—footballer I’d ever met.

  Meeting his sister was the highlight of my entire month. She’d cried with actual joy just from seeing me. It almost negated the fact the photos taken of me eating and pregnant had been leaked to the press. Almost. #FatFin was alive and well.

  “Tell your mom to come up,” I said after giving it all some thought.

  “You sure, Fin?” Mary asked, still incredibly angry with her mother.

  “Yeah. She’s always nice around Sophie and Ella.”

  “Who wouldn't be?” Mary turned and walked to the bassinet where the baby was sleeping. I was desperate to get her to nap in there. Holding her constantly was amazing until I had to pee, something that had changed for me in the three weeks since having her. And it wasn't the only change. “She is delicious. Look at those tiny lips.”

  “Tiny, they’re so puffy. She got Aiden’s lips for sure.” I stood and went to where my cherub slept. “She won’t need lip plumper at all.” I winked at Mary, aware I was provoking a storm in her brother.

  “No, they’re quite nice. She might need a little work on the nose though. It does look like Aiden’s. No offense, dear brother. But your nose, while strong on a man would be huge on a girl. I was fortunate to get Mother’s.” She slid a finger down her perfect little nose.

  “You’re both terrible actors and I know what you’re doing.” He pointed his finger at us as he left the room.

  “He’s back to being the Aiden he was before Geoff died.” Mary smiled as she leaned on me and we stared at Ella. “You and Ella are exactly what he needed.”

  “I think we all needed each other—” I barely managed to get it out when Bea came screaming into the room, flashing a ginormous rock on her hand.

  “We’re engaged!” she squealed, tackling me and possibly dry humping just a little. Mary got the same affections as Bea sobbed on us. I struggled free, lifting poor Ella who was startled awake and sobbing. Bea suffered a full-on meltdown as I snuggled my warm little burrito-wrapped baby into my neck.

  “Congratulations!” Mary and I chimed in together.

  “I flew—all the way here—from London to show you!” She huffed her breath, wiping her tears and streaming mascara down her cheeks. “He finally asked. It was so romantic.”

  “Well done, Carter.” I nodded, pretending I hadn’t known of his plans to ask her atop the London Eye as th
e sun was setting. He had paid them to close early and let him have a car at the top with champagne. The weather was perfect for it, a beautiful July summer’s day.

  “Yes, he did well.” Bea sniffled. “I’m so happy.”

  “We’re so happy for you.” I kissed Ella’s warm cheeks and walked to the nursing chair, which Aiden had insisted I have, and got us both into position.

  “Oh my God, I’ve woken her. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay. She needed to wake anyway,” I lied, nursing her and hoping she would go back to sleep. Today was our first successful bassinet session.

  “Come on, let's go find Jess so you can show her and Johan.” Mary linked an arm with Bea’s and led her from the room.

  I nestled into the chair more, getting really comfortable, and enjoyed the silence of Ella nursing as the rush of lactation coursed through my shoulder and breast.

  “My queen?” Sophie, my au pair from childhood, smiled from the doorway. “I thought I heard her.” Her French accent made me happy. “Do you need anything?”

  “No, she’s fine. Honestly, I think she’ll go back to sleep.” I smiled then stared down at my tiny baby. She was weirdly therapeutic for me. Granted, having a baby made me want to be a ball of stress, and I was certain I was doing everything wrong, but at the same time, something about her brought out a calm in me that I’d never felt. Between her and Aiden and the time we were able to spend alone, forming ourselves around this little and instant family, I realized how blessed I was. And somehow, having this child helped me to understand that my mother loved me more than I could ever comprehend before this. I’d seen the video and listened to the stories, but I had no idea how much until recently.

  “I’ll wait in the other room, Your Highness.” Sophie’s words made me realize I’d gotten lost in the small face again.